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Inherited property who has the right to sell it/
23 janvier 2020 23:08
Hello all,

I would like to know who has the right to sell property inherited from a father for example
Family of husband and wife
Three daughters
One son (youngest child)
Father dies and leaves twp properties in Morocco, and one in UK , how are the property dealt with under Islamic Sharia Law?
Does having a name listed on the property count? and does any promise made by the deceased count in death?

Thank you in advance

P/s Any link to a Lawyer in Larache would be appreciated
24 janvier 2020 00:13
I don't know in Islamic sharia low.
But I think that every member of the family most approved that.
24 janvier 2020 00:14

get closer to an imam who can guide you
24 janvier 2020 04:14
Thank you for your advice, I am in UK and have no direct link to an I am on ground in Morocco so, I am going to the Embassey to see a Adoul.
24 janvier 2020 11:22
If there is a young child (minor), the judge have the authority to preserve chid's interest.
The property is in "undivided" state, only a representatitive of all heirs or a judge can allow to sell it.
Undivided = dans l'indivision, 3ala chia3

Modifié 4 fois. Dernière modification le 24/01/20 11:32 par blagueur.
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