Connexion Voyages Yabiladies Ramadan Radio Forum News
Hirak : Demonstrations resumed after a number of detainees started a hunger...
26 septembre 2017 21:43

                                              Glory to God, Alleluia

                                         I am Mrs Carole DUPONT

Today, I am responsible for my own business thanks to the Christian community of parish st paul and st Antoine de padou.
big thank you to you for the loan of 54,000 € with a percentage of 2%

 I pledge before GOD and before the Men that I will repay you the entire loan.

                                                     I thank
Ms MERCIER jessica who directed me to this Christian community. So I ask all people in the need to contact her at
                                                         E-mail :

                                       jessicamercier81@gmail .com
                                       jessicamercier81@gmail .com

                                           Peace of Christ
Emission spécial MRE
2m Radio +