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Lalla Suleika, the tragic end of a forbidden love story
14 février 2022 09:01
Linking her death to « love » is not relevant …

It was a tragic end of a forbidden « apostasy from Islam », actual reason why the judge Ahmed Bennani ordered her death penalty.

« Je suis évidemment fier de traiter directement avec mon peuple et de régler ses problèmes simples … …. Mais est-ce que les citoyens me demanderaient d’intervenir si l’Administration faisait son devoir ? » Le roi Mohammed VI
14 février 2022 11:15
historians dont agree on that vision
it seems she never been muslim before, always was jew and was assassinated because jury thought she left islam, instead she never really embrassed it


sadly no one can really know the truth about this story
Berkshire a écrit:
Linking her death to « love » is not relevant …

It was a tragic end of a forbidden « apostasy from Islam », actual reason why the judge Ahmed Bennani ordered her death penalty.
14 février 2022 11:31
Yes the reason of her death is still the same though: apostasy, whether her conversion was true or false does not matter, unfortunately.

re.Vooriden a écrit:
historians dont agree on that vision
it seems she never been muslim before, always was jew and was assassinated because jury thought she left islam, instead she never really embrassed it


sadly no one can really know the truth about this story

Modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification le 14/02/22 11:35 par Berkshire.
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