

Arab Maghreb Union's dysfunction hinders regional growth, King Mohammed VI warns

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«We note with regret that economic integration and integration among the countries of our organization has not yet reached the level to which we aspire, despite the fact that our countries have all the ingredients for success», King Mohammed VI said, in reference to the Arab Maghreb Union.

In his speech to the 33rd Summit of the Arab League, which opened on Thursday in Manama, Bahrain, he further emphasized that «this situation is not inevitable, but requires the adoption of a realistic vision that believes in joint construction and is based on commitment to the principles of good neighborliness, respect for the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, and refraining from interfering in their affairs and sowing tendencies of division and separatism».

«In this context, we can only regret, once again, that the Arab Maghreb Union has not played its natural role in supporting the joint development of Maghreb countries, especially by ensuring the free movement of people, capital, goods and services between its five countries», the King said in the speech, which was read by Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch.

«The future of our Arab nation remains contingent on finding a common strategic vision and a sincere political will to consolidate its unity and its ranks in order to serve the common interests of our peoples and realize their aspirations for greater understanding, communication and integration among their components».

According to King Mohammed VI, this requires «giving special attention to our human wealth, especially the Arab youth, and opening the horizons of rehabilitation and advancement for them, especially by providing them with modern means and mechanisms of education and training, and providing more job opportunities in various fields, in order to qualify them to engage in life and economic and social integration».

«The preparation and qualification of conscious and responsible youth is the real wealth of our countries and the best way to enhance their status and make them able to advance their fateful issues and be a weighty actor in their regional and international surroundings», he added.

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