Every summer, a significant commemoration goes largely unnoticed: the launch of the Al Wahda Road, or Unity Road, on July 5, 1957. Initiated by King Mohammed V, this monumental project mobilized nearly 12,000 young Moroccans, symbolizing the collective efforts of an entire generation in the wake of independence.
In 1957, King Mohammed V went on an official visit to the United States, where he went to Disneyland. Posing next to Walt Disney, the sovereign’s enjoyable trip to the park was documented through a series of photos.
A Moroccan historian revealed that El Khattabi had allegedly refused to be a king of Morocco replacing Mohammed V. This was a French offer made to the Riffian leader by Allal El Fassi.
On the 28th of November 1960, Mauritania has been proclaimed an independent state. A status that the Kingdom recognized nine years later. However, long before being independent of the French, Mauritania had been a serious bone of contention between Morocco and France. The former colonizer, opposed to the idea of witnessing the rebirth of North Africa, supported the independence of the former French colony. History.
Although the kingdom was proclaimed an independent state on the 2nd of March, every year; Moroccans celebrate independence on the 18th of November. The latter commemorates King Mohammed V accession to the throne and his notorious speech delivered to announce the end of the French control.
In 1951, the US built three military facilities in Morocco including the Nouasseur Air Base, now known as Mohammed V international airport. The Kingdom demanded Americans to pull out of the bases on its territory after it gained independence.
On the 22nd of October 1956, a plane carrying FLN leaders, including Algeria’s future president Ahmed Ben Bella, was re-routed by the French authorities. The trip was plotted by King Mohammed V.
The 2nd of March 1956 was officially the day when Morocco was able to gain independence from the French protectorate. During the reign of Mohammed V, the Independence Day was celebrated on that date but when Hassan II ascended the throne this has changed.