Morocco was one of the last Arab countries to adopt the printing press. The credit for bringing it to Morocco goes to Cadi Tayeb Roudani in 1864. However, shortly after its arrival, the printing press was confiscated by the Makhzen.
Behind every strong man is an even stronger woman, a saying that applies to Zaydana. Known as a black, tall and manipulative woman, Lalla Aisha Mubarka was the chief spouse of Moulay Ismail who managed to sow seeds of mistrust between the sultan and his favorite son.
Mauritania, Tunisia and Libya are the main pillars of the war of influence between Morocco and Algeria. Each of these two countries is trying to lead the regional political scene.
The Muslim presence in the Iberian Peninsula has shaped the cultural identity of the inhabitants of that part of the world. The influence Islam had on the region led to a profound social transformation, according to several Spanish researchers.
Israeli newspaper Times of Israel published an article on aid granted by Israelis to isolated villages in Morocco. The newspaper reports that many Amazighs «identify with the modern State of Israel and the Jews».