45.21 . Or do those who commit ill deeds suppose that We shall make them as those who believe and do good works , the same life and death? Bad is their judgment!
45.22 . And Allah hath created the heavens and the earth with truth , and that every soul may be repaid what it hath earned . And they will not be wronged .
45.23 . Hast thou seen him who maketh his desire his god , and Allah sendeth him astray purposely , and sealeth up his hearing and his heart , and setteth on his sight a covering? Then who will lead him after Allah ( hath condemned him ) ? Will ye not then heed?
45.24 . And they say : There is naught but our life of the world ; we die and we live , and naught destroyeth us save time ; when they have no knowledge whatsoever of ( all ) that ; they do but guess .
45.25 . And when Our clear revelations are recited unto them their only argument is that they say : Bring ( back ) our fathers then , if ye are truthful .
45.26 . Say ( unto them , O Muhammad ) : Allah giveth life to you , then causeth you to die , then gathereth you unto the Day of Resurrection whereof there is no doubt . But most of mankind know not .
45.27 . And unto Allah belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth ; and on the day when the Hour riseth , on that day those who follow falsehood will be lost .
45.28 . And thou wilt see each nation crouching , each nation summoned to its record . ( And it will be said unto them ) : This day ye are requited what ye used to do .
45.29 . This Our Book pronounceth against you with truth . Lo! We have caused ( all ) that ye did to be recorded .
45.30 . Then , as for those who believed and did good works , their Lord will bring them in unto His mercy . That is the evident triumph .
45.31 . And as for those who disbelieved ( it will be said unto them ) : Were not Our revelations recited unto you? But ye were scornful and became a guilty folk .
45.32 . And when it was said : Lo! Allah ' s promise is the truth , and there is no doubt of the Hour ' s coming , ye said : We know not what the Hour is . We deem it naught but a conjecture , and we are by no means convinced .
45.33 . And the evils of what they did will appear unto them , and that which they used to deride will befall them :
45.34 . And it will be said : This day We forget you , even as ye forgot the meeting of this your day ; and your habitation is the Fire , and there is none to help you .
45.35 . This , forasmuch as ye made the revelations of Allah a jest , and the life of the world beguiled you . Therefor this day they come not forth from thence , nor can they make amends
45.36 . Then praise be to Allah , Lord of the heavens and Lords of the earth , the Lord of the Worlds .
45.37 . And unto Him ( alone ) belongeth majesty in the heavens and the earth , and He is the Mighty , the Wise .
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