51.21 . And ( also ) in yourselves . Can ye then not see?
51.22 . And in the heaven is your providence and that which ye are promised ;
51.23 . And by the Lord of the heavens and the earth , it is the truth , even as ( it is true ) that ye speak .
51.24 . Hath the story of Abraham ' s honored guests reached thee ( O Muhammad ) ?
51.25 . When they came in unto him and said : Peace! he answered , Peace! ( and thought ) : Folk unknown ( to me ) .
51.26 . Then he went apart unto his housefolk so that they brought a fatted calf ;
51.27 . And he set it before them , saying : Will ye not eat?
51.28 . Then he conceived a fear of them . They said : Fear not! and gave him tidings of ( the birth of ) a wise son .
51.29 . Then his wife came forward , making moan , and smote her face , and cried : A barren old woman!
51.30 . They said : Even so saith thy Lord . Lo! He is the Wise , the Knower .
51.31 . ( Abraham ) said : And ( afterward ) what is your errand , O ye sent ( from Allah ) ?
51.32 . They said : Lo! we are sent unto a guilty folk ,
51.33 . That we may send upon them stones of clay ,
51.34 . Marked by thy Lord for ( the destruction of ) the wanton .
51.35 . Thee We brought forth such believers as were there .
51.36 . But We found there but one house of those surrendered ( to Allah ) .
51.37 . And We left behind therein a portent for those who fear a painful doom .
51.38 . And in Moses ( too , there is a portent ) when We sent him unto Pharaoh with clear warrant ,
51.39 . But he withdrew ( confiding ) in his might , and said : A wizard or a madman .
51.40 . So We seized him and his hosts and flung them in the sea , for he was reprobate
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