52.21 . And they who believe and whose seed follow them in faith , We cause their seed to join them ( there ) , and We deprive them of naught of their ( life ' s ) work . Every man is a pledge for that which he hath earned .
52.22 . And We provide them with fruit and meat such as they desire .
52.23 . There the pass from hand to hand a cup wherein is neither vanity nor cause of sin .
52.24 . And there go round , waiting on them menservants of their own , as they were hidden pearls .
52.25 . And some of them draw near unto others , questioning ,
52.26 . Saying : Lo! of old , when we were with our families , we were ever anxious ;
52.27 . But Allah hath been gracious unto us and hath preserved us from the torment of the breath of Fire .
52.28 . Lo! we used to pray unto Him of old . Lo! He is the Benign , the Merciful .
52.29 . Therefor warn ( men , O Muhammad ) . By the grace of Allah thou art neither soothsayer nor madman .
52.30 . Or say they : ( he is ) a poet , ( one ) for whom we may expect the accident of time?
52.31 . Say ( unto them ) : Expect ( your fill ) ! Lo! I am with you among the expectant
52.32 . Do their minds command them to do this , or are they an outrageous folk?
52.33 . Or say they : He hath invented it? Nay , but they will not believe!
52.34 . Then let them produce speech the like thereof , if they are truthful :
52.35 . Or were they created out of naught? Or are they the creators?
52.36 . Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay , but they are sure of nothing!
52.37 . Or do they own the treasures of thy Lord? Or have they been given charge ( thereof ) ?
52.38 . Or have they any stairway ( unto heaven ) by means of which they overhear ( decrees ) . Then let their listener produce warrant manifest!
52.39 . Or hath He daughters whereas ye have sons?
52.40 . Or askest thou ( Muhammad ) a fee from them so that they are plunged in debt?
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