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Inter family arranged marriages and genetic issues
14 janvier 2020 22:28
What are your takes on marriage between cousins and the genetic fall out that may potentially occur?
14 janvier 2020 22:35
I think it s not a good thing to marry a cousin, i rather prefer get married with a man i chose.
Phantomscribbler a écrit:
What are your takes on marriage between cousins and the genetic fall out that may potentially occur?
14 janvier 2020 22:52
To me it sounds disgusting, but it's only my opinion.

Some people think that it's better as they already know the family, family members are supposed to be examplary, they cannot disappoint their family by misbehaving, this pressure would lead then to a "perfect" marriage.
I don't believe in any of that.
Without taking into account the risks to give birth to a child with health issues...
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