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Moroccan woman + European man ?
19 July 2011 23:38
Hi, what are the general things to consider if getting more involved with a Moroccan girl, ultimately aiming to create a family? The foundation for the relation is mutual liking with respect for each other’s differences. She lives in Morocco and I in Sweden. She is Muslim I am Christian.


Best regards
22 July 2011 00:11
Give it up
22 July 2011 01:39
How did you meet this woman????????
23 July 2011 01:41
Why should we give it up?
23 July 2011 01:45
ay dil om
How did you meet this woman????????

As one usual meet girls, in this case during a job in Morocco. Do you have some advice, now when you know this?

Best regards
23 July 2011 03:16
Why should we give it up?

Because I don't think it could work, I'm sorry but that's what I think

First of all muslims woman are not allowed to marry christians or jewish or else and without the issue of religion there is a lot of others problems, it's complicated

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2011 03:18 by depassage70.
24 July 2011 11:27
Hi, what are the general things to consider if getting more involved with a Moroccan girl, ultimately aiming to create a family? The foundation for the relation is mutual liking with respect for each other’s differences. She lives in Morocco and I in Sweden. She is Muslim I am Christian.


Best regards

I don't think that the culture should be a problem, friend of mine she is Malay married to a Swedish guy and I know another Moroccan married to a pure English guy, happily married God Bless.
The problem is religious, Muslim lady can't get married with a non-Muslim, it is against the religion to do so.
So the only solution is to convert, which won’t be accepted if it is not done based on personal beliefs.
Wish you all the best, never give up on love!
25 July 2011 01:45

I didn't get "now when you know this
Never mind.

To help you here are some questions.

Are you a native swede?
Do you speak arabic,darija or french?
Does she speak swedish?
Would you convert?
Would she convert?
How long have you known her?

I have more questions,but that'll do for now!
I'll be very careful,if I were you.

Good luck!
25 July 2011 21:25
Why should we give it up?

Because I don't think it could work, I'm sorry but that's what I think

First of all muslims woman are not allowed to marry christians or jewish or else and without the issue of religion there is a lot of others problems, it's complicated

Thanks. Well I know it is complicated, thats why I ask for advice. But I ususally newer give up. /M
25 July 2011 21:42
Hi, what are the general things to consider if getting more involved with a Moroccan girl, ultimately aiming to create a family? The foundation for the relation is mutual liking with respect for each other’s differences. She lives in Morocco and I in Sweden. She is Muslim I am Christian.


Best regards

I don't think that the culture should be a problem, friend of mine she is Malay married to a Swedish guy and I know another Moroccan married to a pure English guy, happily married God Bless.
The problem is religious, Muslim lady can't get married with a non-Muslim, it is against the religion to do so.
So the only solution is to convert, which won’t be accepted if it is not done based on personal beliefs.
Wish you all the best, never give up on love!

Glad to hear about the uncomplicated cultural mix for your friends.

Concerning religion there are different ways to deal with Gods advices, for us, liking it or not, and I trust there are always solutions when it comes to bring people together in love and respect. We do believe in God and would like to honor the different religious traditions, as far as possible, hence my questions. To convert is a possibility but not a prefered solution.

If this appear strange to any reader, please understand we consider us to be liberal/secular/modern in a Moroccan perspective and conservative/religous/traditional in a European perspective. To give you a picture.
25 July 2011 21:58
ay dil om

I didn't get "now when you know this
Never mind.

To help you here are some questions.

Are you a native swede?
Do you speak arabic,darija or french?
Does she speak swedish?
Would you convert?
Would she convert?
How long have you known her?

I have more questions,but that'll do for now!
I'll be very careful,if I were you.

Good luck!

Thanks for your time and help.
-I am a native European used to different believes and traditions within my family many generations back.
-We mainly speak English and I have experience from couples close to me in a similar situation and also a two year long relation when young. These experiences tell me it works much better than expected.
-Me or she could consider to convert, most probably me, but as a last resort.
-We have known each other about eight months. First just professional but quite soon personal.

I know this is difficult mainly for her and some of her relatives so I am very careful, for her sake. /M
26 July 2011 16:25
Why should we give it up?

Because I don't think it could work, I'm sorry but that's what I think

First of all muslims woman are not allowed to marry christians or jewish or else and without the issue of religion there is a lot of others problems, it's complicated

Thanks. Well I know it is complicated, thats why I ask for advice. But I ususally newer give up. /M

Learn to give up for your sake
3 August 2011 20:35
hi my friend,for me i think if she is your beloved,you have one choice,is convert to islam,that you will be very happy and enjoy too in our country Morocco, we have an average and mild islam and rich culture...i wish you good thoughts and luck,thanks
14 August 2011 03:05
10 for the price of one, but for you we will do you a good price take them all pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
18 August 2011 13:14
we are all human beings and love doesn t know race or ethnicity smiling smiley
24 August 2011 15:55
Hi there,

well if u really love her, dont take the risk to ruin her life by taking her away from her culture & religion with all the impacts & damages it may cause (family issues mainly). She might say right now she really wanna be with u but trust me she'll never be happy if u break the bonds she already has with her family, so is it really worth of it? I don't think so, one day or another she'll reproach this to u so think about it now before it gets too late and pick the right choice!

just so u know im british from oxford and decided to know a bit more about islam when i met my wife and thanks God i converted and we'r very happy now.
Nowadays, just repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."La vivisection est un crime" Victor Hugo.
26 August 2011 22:53
10 for the price of one, but for you we will do you a good price take them all pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
moroccan women are not for sale , they are citizens exactly like you !

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/26/2011 10:57 by washington28 .
27 August 2011 01:59
Well said washington28.
7aram 3alaik ya gharib11 our women are very nice & not for saleNo no
8 September 2011 12:18
a muslim girl cannot marry a christian man and still call her self a muslim.

its a contradiction.

either she is making a decision to leave her religion or she is hoping that you will convert.

neither is a good foundation for marriage unless you are seriously going to consider changing your religion.

this is fact not heresay.
11 September 2011 13:04
There are now in the west Imams who marry Muslim women with Christian men and there have long been a practice to do so also by the Catholic Church.

See Dr. Hassan Turabi, Sudanese Islamist leader and Dr. Khaleel Mohammed, professor of Religion at San Diego State University at []

Some examples at []

So many assume the woman is weaker than the man. So many assume there interpretation of religion should rule. And they repeat it a thousand times making it appear a truth.

The potential strength within a woman is enormous and her focus on a functional family lies within her from the very beginning.

We do not live for any religion; the religions are our ways to simplify what we believe are the best ways to live. They are all formed in their context, and useful in that context, I believe.

God is great. Our simple efforts to formalize the ways to live in different religions and traditions are a good cause but still only efforts. God is in us. In our hearts. Use what God without any question gave us all. Think more. Read less.

Thanks for your time and your efforts to help. They made us think.
12 September 2011 21:46
You caught yourself in a cultural trap rather than a religious one. There are cultural (religious) aspects that any moroccan family, or lets say maintream moroccans, considers when it comes to morrocan women getting married with a european man (being real christian or non religious at all, as the case of many europeans).

Talk to your partner on what she thinks about the consequences after marrying a non-muslim, especially with her family and than make your decision. Think also on the consequences for yourself how do you forsee your future with this lady when you will spend honeymoon and settle down in the cold Sweden :-): will she supports the disruptive change in her life? Will you name your children karim, imane and mohammed or Hans, Sven and Eriksson? How will you raise your children? Will you accept religious practices of your wife? etc...

I can only advice you to not proceed with converting yourself to a religion during one day just to marry a women that you love, if you are not really convinced of this religion...that seems to collate with the wishes of many families in Morocco to endorse the love choice of their daughters but everybody knows thats just a mascarade.
12 September 2011 23:03
Hi, i am a moroccan woman married to english man (muslim) the respect for each other and love is the most important element in any relationship, my husband loves my family and respect them and it is the same from their side, to be both in the same religion prevent future problems when there is children.
12 September 2011 23:52

Either your are naïve that you could not grasp the cultural and religious implications of your relationship, or you are just acting provocative to trigger an "intellectual" discussion on this both cases I can only say that you have met a girl in morocco and it does not make headlines anywhere!
19 June 2012 20:57

My reply is a bit late and I don't know what the end result was! However, I hope that you are both happy now.
I am Moroccan, I am married to a British man and we have 2 beautiful children. We both love each other and our boys very much. We live in harmony and mutual respect. It is no longer him and I, Christian and a Muslim, English and a Moroccan, it is just us. We are a unit. We care for each other. When you have that everything else is detail. When our first born was born my husband wanted to name him after my father and I wanted to name him after his father......only details.
11 August 2012 21:54
Marsk I think Fatima gave you all that you need as na answer
30 December 2012 01:01
Only details eh?

So tradition, heritage, religion, race, ethnities, entire civilizations...only details....none of it matters....No the world revolves around two people and they do not have to give back to the world...take take take


I've seen this attitude over the course of 3 generations...each generation has less and less respect for pretty much anything but their own base desires....the end result is not good...

You may be happy, but your kids will be just a bit less, and the grandkids more so...

From a European
31 March 2013 01:34
I am Moroccan Muslim girl , and I have the same issue , I love a new zealander guy , he's christian , and he loves me so much too , he is coming to Morocco this summer to met my family and get engaged to me , but as I can see , I can't marry him because of his religion . I am Muslim and I practice , I respect my religion a lot , and he respect his religion too . and in order to get married to a Moroccan girl in Morocco , the man HAVE to be Muslim and have to provide a Certificate of Religion, but I don't want him to convert to Islam because he wants to marry me , I want him to convert because he believes it in his heart . I really would like to know what happened between the 2 of you Marsk , Thank you.
2 April 2013 01:57
What about your family? Do they know about your relationship and that he intends to come and ask for your hand?
21 April 2013 11:50
Please can you help me get this email to El Houcine Fardani at the Moroccan embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam. Many thanks for your assistance.

Dear Mr Fardani

My name is Mohamed Arsalani, a British national residing in Brunei Darussalam, south east Asia.

I am writing in reference to the article "Boujam'a died unnoticed", which appeared on '' Wednesday 17th April 2013. The article is about Boujam'a, a Moroccan descendent who lived all his life in Vietnam. He left behind a Vietnamese wife and two children. There is a family of 12 people related to Boujam'a living in a village called Dao Hoang, 150 km from Hanoi.

I would very much appreciate your assistance as I am planning to pay a visit to the family of Boujam'a in June 2013. This is a humanitarian visit to offer financial assistance to his family and close relatives.

For you information I have never been to Vietnam and don't speak Vietnamese. Thus I am contacting you to find out if you are able to coordinate this humanitarian endeavour to reach out for our Moroccan nationals.

I trust to hear from you shortly so that we can talk further about the assistance I need from your side.

Best wishes

Mohamed Arsalani
Bandar Seri Begawan
Brunei Darussalam
10 July 2013 08:11
i to wont to marry a moroccan girl but dont wont to convert to islam i have nowen this girl now for over
a year now we are in love so mich why do i have to convert i dont understand we are in love
and wont to be togethere and all the othere papers you need i carnt find how or where to get then any advice wud be helpfull thks
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