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What do Moroccans want
17 November 2006 12:05
I've been reading most of the posts and in one of these, appeared the phrase "what do the moroccans want".
So, what do YOU as a morroccan want?
For me, I want to return one day and see it as it used to be before 1974 (it's a dream). and be rich as well! LOL
17 November 2006 13:30
Moroccans ???

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2006 08:45 by Krim.
17 November 2006 14:33
Salam 2 U All;
Yes What Do Moroccans Want or Need, well we want is what Humans around the World Want, We Want Peace, We Want Freedom, We Want Human Rights, We Want Justice, is it too much to ask for ???
"Do Not Worry if The Whole World is Right & You Are Wrong But Worry Alot if You Are The Only 1 Right, Since it's Almost Impossible for That to Be True, Winks, Ha, ha, ha"
19 November 2006 16:40
no al3arbiyana 1 its 2 littel 2 ask for n evry thing u said is write n moroccan ppl dat had left der contry n went somrwer eles should go back 2 it watever happens
19 November 2006 22:15
Salam 2 U;
I never said they should go back, no 1 can make any 1 go back, if U R happy where U R then that's home, only people who wants to go will go back, my personal example I do not see myself going back any time soon maybe after retirement maybe Allah knows Best, living in an advanced and organized society is very adicitive, backhome is Only good for vacations, marriages, happy momments or if Capable, Experienced or Well informed Maybe Open A Business, but for sure different people different choices in life, thankx alot for being part of the discussion, keep up the good work, bye bye, ma3assalam,
20 November 2006 19:13
well dats wat i meant ny goin back n i said dat coz i dont live in my home n am only 15 so its quite hard 2 manage
20 November 2006 20:24
as a Moroccan i want to live in a society of no hypocrisy cause we're fed up with "yellow smiles". i'm longing for a country where principles recover their real status, where honnesty overthrows jealousy and materialism. I know i must be dreaming, but i only want to live in a place where people get close to our religion because at that time there would be nothing to be afraid of. Thus, they will love each other for the sake of love not for the money or the benefit they can get out of that relationship. is it too much?smiling smiley
20 November 2006 22:37
Hi all,

as a Moroccan i want to live in a society of no hypocrisy cause we're fed up with "yellow smiles". i'm longing for a country where principles recover their real status, where honnesty overthrows jealousy and materialism. I know i must be dreaming, but i only want to live in a place where people get close to our religion because at that time there would be nothing to be afraid of. Thus, they will love each other for the sake of love not for the money or the benefit they can get out of that relationship. is it too much?smiling smiley


your dream is not difficult to become true....Iran or Saudi Arabia could be the right place for you....have you trayed to live in one of those coutries?....
21 November 2006 00:54
salam alaykum

i want just to let u know my dear ,you are moroccan and you have all right to live the way you want in your country Morocco and with all dignity and none has right to put you down or to expulse your dreams and hope.

you sound smart ,your goals are for both this life and hereafter .thumbs up
21 November 2006 01:03
salam alaykum

i want just to let u know my dear ,you are moroccan and you have all right to live the way you want in your country Morocco and with all dignity and none has right to put you down or to expulse your dreams and hope.

you sound smart ,your goals are for both this life and hereafter .thumbs up

why traying to change a whole country to realise her dream instead to go there where her dream is a reality for long time?!....I'm wondering....
21 November 2006 01:22
salam alaykum

Morocco is muslim country where other religions co-exist with respect and without any problem .there is only 5% that can not admit that fact and wants to apply their rules to 95 % .
if someone has allergy to islam and disappointed for been born in muslim family i think it is their problem and they need to deal it with it.
21 November 2006 01:40
salam alaykum

Morocco is muslim country where other religions co-exist with respect and without any problem .there is only 5% that can not admit that fact and wants to apply their rules to 95 % .
if someone has allergy to islam and disappointed for been born in muslim family i think it is their problem and they need to deal it with it.

we rather see if we can deal with 47% illiterates....unemployment....prostitution...children prostitution...lack on education, health facilities....hunger....more and more young people drogs addicted......not mention the situation in the country which is a desaster......ouzid I'm much more disappointed for some moroccans living abroad once having a stable situation they forget comletly the horrible reality our country........that's the real disappointment!....
21 November 2006 02:53
salam alaykum

we rather see if we can deal with 47% illiterates....unemployment....prostitution...children prostitution...lack on education, health facilities....hunger....more and more young people drogs addicted......

you are talking about facts i can not deny that and i am quite sure that the big majority of moroccans either in Morocco or MRE are aware about the situation VERY well as i said before we need all together to be serious and have the will and ikhlass ( preaching again No no) to do something .

but you don t know what each one of us here is doing to help out.there are a lot of moroccans supporting a families with their kids in NGOs language we call it adopting a family.

i encourage people here to adopt people without or with limited income like students, widowers ,orphans...etc if each one of us send 80 $ a month it is gonna make a difference for people in needs with anonymous seeking just wajhi Allah we go again preaching.

that is just very very simple ex only Almighty knows all our deeds.
21 November 2006 11:13
salam alaykum

but you don t know what each one of us here is doing to help out.there are a lot of moroccans supporting a families with their kids in NGOs language we call it adopting a family.

i encourage people here to adopt people without or with limited income like students, widowers ,orphans...etc if each one of us send 80 $ a month it is gonna make a difference for people in needs with anonymous seeking just wajhi Allah we go again preaching.

that is just very very simple ex only Almighty knows all our deeds.

no realy need to know….. I think it’s no one business who helps who….however we need something bigger…..long terms measures....economical and political reforms for the whole country….not only a couple of persons or families……
21 November 2006 13:32
salam alaykum


just calm down ,i don t know the word ISLAM is frustrating you at that point .

as i said

that is just very very simple ex only Almighty knows all our deeds
there are too many people helping on their corner they are not interested to be under lights just liwajhi Allah
21 November 2006 16:47
salam alaykum


just calm down ,i don t know the word ISLAM is frustrating you at that point .

dear Sarah70,

attacking or provocating me is not gonna help...sorry...need more respect to delivre seriouse discussion....i could do the same but it's not your person who interests me...I'm much more worried about the way how people like you think....
21 November 2006 17:33
Why is it that such a simple question can create so much discomfort.
why do we always have to digress to religion?
the question is:
So, what do YOU as a morroccan want?
Folks, it's YOU as an individual.
21 November 2006 19:14
salam alaykum


Same here I am discussing ideas and opinions so don t take it personnel.
you have right to say whatever you want to see Morocco, like any Moroccan here . Therefore I don t see the point for you feeling sad on how people think and have hopes too.
22 November 2006 00:23

i feel sad because I’m starting to lose hope in our people......the question was what Moroccan want….to my understanding the answer I was expecting from all Moroccans will be without any doubts that we want a better future for our country …..better life for our people….we want to do something to improve it…. statement like “I want to live in a place where people get close to the religion…” makes me think those people do really have no idea how people live in Morocco …then we know all the religion didn’t and will not solve our deep social and economical problems…. moreover in a couple of Islamic countries people “ seem ” to be closer to the religion …..they are not better or happier than we are …..the real change need great engagement and hard work …long time and reforms in many areas to get the first results….. the religion is fine for the individual…once feels balanced and experiences a certain security….but this is only true when the person isn’t struggling with basic needs such as food, education or health issue……..we didn’t come to this stage yet……i hope you can see my point...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/22/2006 12:28 by Ilhem2.
23 November 2006 22:29
hello Sarah,
when i said i want to live in country where people are closer to religion i meant it. you want a happy life, for me this is it. when u go out feeling secure, where u aren't in constant fear of hypocrites. i'm not talking of those who take our religion as the one of prohibition. those who make the world look gloomy. religion is not that, for me "addin yussr" it is not do this and don't do that. It teaches us how to live our daily life, studies, work and all this stuff. i don't know why u were sad when i said that. and taking the example of other islamic countries, honestly they are not the kind of country i want to be in.
you know? islam urges us to be ambitious and seek a better life, so why wouldn't it be a good solution?(tm)
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