assalamu3alaykum every moroccan Londoner, Did any of you took a ferry from portsmouth to Bilbao. I am trying to reduce the driving distance this year by half...I thought to take either a ferry ...More
oui, l khadma ghadi tkhadmo bjoj w tla3 likoum al khadma ffrass... ghir l wa7ad yabda bach ma kan.. bach yzid y wallaf. sister mishmash wa la brother ahmed(Suri) ma dowzto mazal walou f had lablad.. ...More
brothers and sisters assalamu3alaykom, Any of you drives to morocco on summer? Last year, I have driven from London through france, spain to morocco. It killed me, 3 days on the roads....!! I ...More
Asslamu3alaykom, being married in this country appears to me a must.. going to the mosque is always the best idea to meet people. But don't you see that the beauty of being in this country is ...More
Khoya Suri, The best you can do as a start is cleaning or catering. These are the easiest to get and good for a start, you will also practice your English while working. I have been through the ...More
Assalamu3alikom, Wa khoya suri Ash gha ngolik... c pas facile mais pas dificile... ila english dialak good your problem is sorted... what sort of work you looking ...More
I am in london, the worse bank you can deal with in bank populaire, they are thieves and very bad service, they charge you for every sing action, but no choice for so many moroccans in uk. I have ...More
:? oh yeah, I do remember I have watched this useless programme. a recist reporter who made it. I couldn't keep whatching it, I feeled the pain, people don't know how our religion is ...More
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30 sept. 2006 23:47
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2 sept. 2012 06:59