Atlas Yes I see But I would like to know more details… For example what about living, have I to organize that before travelling... Thank ...More
Atlas could you please explain me how run that I mean :exchange with no arabic speakers ...More
Hello... Atlas I don t have more holidays this year:(, but if its possible to do that next year , it will be ...More
Hi Mini and Magi I would like to meet you, unfortunately I didn’t plane to go to London, but we can plane that in the future, or maybe in Switzerland:) Magic, I m interesting for your ...More
Hi Minnie I m coming on 26/27 of september to ...More
Help, I have to go 2 days to UK and that’s the first time that I will confront with native speakers I m ...More
First Ramadane Mobarak Said atlasmagic I m native speaker of Arabic Any Suggestions are welcome ...More
Thank you for your recommendation:) I have already been to DC; it’s a very nice city but I couldn’t stay there more than 4 weeks:( I m learning English in a language center too, but I would ...More
Hi, plane ticket as well? na ya I m not rich:(, ...More
Hi Minniemouse, I dont need to learn spanish, but you can bring your husband with ...More
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17 mai 2007 18:12
Last visit:
8 sept. 2010 18:25