Good luck I did not for a second say you guys will hadn over envelopes , let hope you come up with the best design & i it makes more sence for a British company to market to ...More
Definitely our birth country’s entire tourist section needs reviewing. France out of all the European countries always had a saying in our economy as an entity just like US and Great ...More
Hi Guys Definitely on the side of Wellington as apposed to Napoleon, and just to clear up a slight misunderstanding we haven’t won the contract yet we are in a pitch for the stand and I’m ...More
Thanks all, it looks from what your saying that my initial idea’s of the way to go are the right ones, now all I’ve got to do is come up with a way of putting all this across not only to a ...More
Yep much along those lines, dont know if you looked at the flickr images I found but I want to show Morroco as a mixture of the modern and new yet the old is still an important part of lets face it ...More
Hello Chelhman I think we are looking more towards the professional type of tourist not your Ibiza holiday . Basically someone who’s after the experience of seeing something new not just ...More
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30 mars 1966
Registration date:
16 mai 2008 14:46
Last visit:
8 sept. 2010 18:25