hi Latifa , iam so happy to see you again ok i like the points you mentioned in your message so i would react to them one by one. 1- it is true and sure that THE HOLY Qouran is a weappon that ...More
hi again sorry for not writing on this plat form for a long time. thanks for your frankness and sincerity what happen Latifa? did u come to my point when i said it is hard to find true love and ...More
i do really agree with u Amal still people needs to tolerate each other and do accept pardons and excuses ok because we are human we can do hurt people one day and we may be hurt by others. so it is ...More
thank u very much for reacting to my message u know that u were the ancient leader so it is u give the torch of the leadership . Moreover u know that being a leader is not an easy work so do re-read ...More
yes honey we do strongly believe in our great GOD , but reality is different ant it is shocking for true lovers i did experience that but it turns up side down and then i loose hope in enjoying true ...More
no problem u r welcome take ...More
i think it is part of human to forgive and not to do so . It depends on the mistake done against u if it is sth silly u don't need even to think about it if it is sth that hurts a lot it is ...More
Thanks for replying i hope that there still exist real love sweety and i wish u the best of luck in your life take care enjoy life as it is and work for the best that's my motto in ...More
thanks for the nice questions sweety well let answer them one by one and with sincerity and trust ok 1_ the 3 tnks i will take are my Strong believe in God and My parents and ...More
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1 janv. 2001
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28 juin 2008 12:50
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8 sept. 2010 18:25