That's a good question Salma, Well,in my opinion the desire for a better life is sometimes so big that it makes people leave their countries and their families and work in other ...More
Hi there brother, Thanx again for your kind email,Im so greateful that lots of good people like yourself are helping me right here,yes I replied to anyone who wrote to me,I dont want to ignore any ...More
Hello Amzigh, Thank you for your view point,I think its so worthy and you are right with all what you said,a mother is precious for me in her own special way,but a wife is precious to me ...More
Hello Marocain, Thank you,Yes I will weigh my chances and move there,a wife is as worthy as a mother if shes a good wife that can love and respect with no ...More
Salam Hamouda, Thanx for your long answer and your english isnt that bad,you write good,well my state here isnt miserable,I make good money and Im happy,the only thing is Im so unhappy to be far ...More
Hello Kellya, Thanx for sharing your experience with me,of course life is never a bed of roses,our ways are all the time full of thorns and hardship,we got to fight to survive,so I will fight till ...More
Salam Myriam, You are so true and so right,we are both unhappy,so I will move there in summer,and will start a new life,of course I love Morocco so deeply,but I need to join my wife,that the only ...More
Thanx again Salma,Yes its so hard to live apart like this,so hard that I cant describe it,especially when there is a strong love shared and felt between the two,like in our case,me and my wife,I will ...More
The sacrifice is for my precious wife,I will take this move Inshallah,I should thank you for your view ...More
Great quote with great meaning,thanx to you ...More
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24 déc. 1978
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