sexy 1975
[Général] Re: mariage blanc
15 février 2010 à 14:37
mariage blanc ou noir, why do you bother going to Europe to be on benefit or to escape your home country. If you are not going abroad to do a proper job and be respected by others hust stay back home ...More
You would better divorce than wasting your lives, If you didn't love your cousin why did you have children or even get married. I can't understand why people marry their cousins it is weird ...More
A jealous man is a mad man, think about how bad is his jealousy and if it is affecting your life in a good or a bad ...More
Why don't you meet the parents, they might change their minds after seeing you. At the end of the day all parents want to see their kids happy and settled. Don't forget it is all about the ...More
[Général] Re: faisons connaissances !!
4 décembre 2009 à 19:05
Hi, C'est namla une casablancaise de ...More
If anybody has any problems with cooking you can check out cooking with alia on you tube. You get an idea and you can adjust the ...More
Vous pouvez substituer des jus de citron frais pour le citron et si vous avez citrons Meyer, réduire le sucre à 1/3 tasse (65 g). Vous pouvez utiliser une recette de pâte tart favori, ou un ...More
Lemon Tart One 9-inch (23 cm) tart This makes a modest, but very tasty lemony layer. If you want more filling, feel free to double the recipe; any filling that you don't use can be ...More
General informations
12 juin 1968
Registration date:
19 nov. 2009 19:52
Last visit:
8 sept. 2010 18:25