The berber
Come on guys use your brains you know who your enemy is!! Your enemy can do anything to win support & sympathy & to degrade the Moroccan authority. These photos have been collected probably ...More
Christian aid is very active in that country converting people, this is very wrong. So many booklet & books including the bible been giving away to people behind the back of the authority. We ...More
I would love to have her in bed for one night & give her many good ones. the ...More
Send another one but make it recorded delivery if they don't get it, you'll know why or at least you can enquire it using the royal mail web. the ...More
Ladies & gentlemen, who care about religion, people want food & money more than anything else, give them what they want & they will convert to monkeys. Conversions by the Christian ...More
@ zaki7 You're f***ing; a PolisAlgerio, an Arab traitor or an Algerian. Where did you copy this crap from? First of all, whole north Africa is a Berber land no doubt about this. Sahara has ...More
Believe me m8 i do not watch Arabic channels all my friends would tell you that. Read some of my posts and you'll believe me. ...More
I haven't read the whole message but one good advice to you; don't believe what you read, hear or see. Only believe it when you see it live in front of you, touch it, feel it and you are ...More
I don't like the way you wrote your message, i think you need to study the history and then you need to go deep into the politics to understand the whole picture. You have been tricked just like ...More
Women in general can be just as cruel as men!! Women can be soldiers as well!! Look at the scandal in the prison in Iraq, isn't it a woman who was torturing the prisoners and behaving ...More
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8 juin 2005 01:48
Last visit:
8 sept. 2010 18:25