your last words are very true, you have to lead with your head as well as your heart, even though you may be in love with him if your head has doubts then the battle begins!!!! think hard.... a man ...More
a possible way for you to practice your spoken english is perhaps use the audio on messenger to speak to new friends... cheap and effective! i would help! i am a british born moroccan, so i would be ...More
i have read your dilemma and many of the responses... i would be lying to you if i told you anyone without papers would,nt be looking at marriage as an option to stay in a country if that was a way ...More
hi just joined! your thread is something close to my heart! i live in wiltshire where we have the biggest moroccan community outside london and yet it saddens me that we do not have a sense of ...More
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Registration date:
13 sept. 2005 15:34
Last visit:
8 sept. 2010 18:25