lol Chelman, je savais pas que mes propos etaient aussi obscurantistes. Tu parles d'une histoire millenaire tout en y ajoutant un petit peur de moukhiam. Chelman, si tu veux parler de ...More
Chelhman, let me explain to you in different terms because ur intelligence seems to be a little bit limited. If u accept that other men watch ur wife half naked in the beach or flirt with ur 15 yo ...More
Chelhman, I'm chelh too and I really don't care about learning amazigh at all. Let's just say that I'm one of those berbers who don't give too much a damn about the history ...More
Chelhman, I agree with u that all those bunch of organizations are useless. I don't agree with u though that we are nation-states. The concept of a nation state is well rooted in the history of ...More
lol chelhman, it wasn't an islamic conference. It was some sort of an Araba League conference. Who ever said that the Arab League is an Islamic ...More
Chelhman, I am glad you are a muslim however I think there are quite some issues you don't understand about Islam. First of all, in Islam we are not allowed to take what we like and reject the ...More
Chelhman, you are entitled to your own opinion. As of the medieval vision, I do rather think that it's the west and ambient stupid muslims who encourage it not just with words but with arms as ...More
Ilhem, the right question to ask in this situation is: Are there any proofs that an attack was being planned? I do think the same as sbs for many reasons: The first one is obviously, whenever the ...More
1.3 Billion poor, ignorant, wealth thirty with a lot of inferiority complexes human beings. 1.4 supposedly muslims relying on their own wishes and desires instead of relying on Allah SWT. The ...More
Oh yeah and read some economics books. U definetly got a lot of readings to do lol. Good luck, and welcome to the real life. The computer world is either black or white, the business world is rather ...More
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