Hi all, Khadija, I can see you're from Oxford. However, as put it, you must know London don't you ? Would you agree with me if I said Maida Vale is quite a lot expensive place to live ...More
Hi, The reason why I'm suggesting Camden is it is close to Euston station Eurostar terminal. It is more convenient for you and your family to be able to get home quick when coming from Paris. ...More
Can't girls teach you English ? Refering to "Hi ...More
Salam Alaikoum, I have an interesting job opportunity (in IT) based in London, my family (my wife, my two children and me) will have to relocate from Paris to London. Everybody say ...More
Hi, As a teacher myself, I've tryed many options abroad (US and UAE), and of cource...Morocco. The only offer I really got (a serious English teaching post offer) was in a private high ...More
If you've got plenty of money, you can still buy a position. They're for sale in Morocco. Don't even dream of sending up your CV, you'll hardly get an answer... Best ...More
Oui, je suis d'origine arabe, ma famille détient notre arbre généalogique qui remonte assez loin et qui localise, d'après l'émétteur de ce document (le service ...More
de l epoque de feu sadam hussein,chaque ressortissant de n importe quel pays arabe pouvais entrer en irak sans visa shams-el-arab.(moi dans ma region des aurés on ne dit pas ...More
Salam Souheil, Il est pas mal ton sujet dans le fond... Pour ma part, étant un "spécialiste" des dialectes arabes (absolument tous les dialectes arabes sauf le dialecte somalien qui ...More
QUE PENSER VOUS,un maroc décentralisé ,ou les régions décide de leur sort,avec des élections régional. exemple une autodétermination des provinces.le gouvernement central sont ...More
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Born in Fez
Registration date:
20 mai 2006 16:47