[] Re: nouvel an a Londres!!
29 septembre 2008 à 16:52
saminou Un conseil pour sortir la nuit de la fin de l'an a Londres il faut reserver a l'avance .. Pour quartiers arabe c'est Edgare Road ,Queesway (Marocain),Portebello Road (Marocain) Mais il ...More
[] Re: Our people are just fine (news
24 septembre 2008 à 15:21
chelhman I had friends working in call centres in Casa /Rabat & they informed me of the luck of English speaking staff & the increasing number of foreigners either setting them up or managing ...More
[] Re: Our people are just fine (news
24 septembre 2008 à 14:18
Well if the salaries are going up its because they are very very low to start with + everything is going up & to keep peace you need to look like you are helping out ..... As for the school ! we ...More
[] Re: Learn Arabic
22 septembre 2008 à 13:11
adds i remimber also toulia 3amoodo a nouri but your memory is better than mine ..... Was there also Youssoufo yomatilo abaho ...More
[] Re: Learn Arabic
22 septembre 2008 à 12:18
Hicham ..its souad fi al Maktabati ...More
[] Re: Learn Arabic
22 septembre 2008 à 11:58
Hicham in boukmakh, i suppose.. ??? You bringing memories mate you remimber " Souado fi al Madradati " Dakhalat souado il al madrasati , fasaa latha al mo3alimato , ma issmoki ? 9alat ...More
[] Re: Torrential rain
22 septembre 2008 à 11:56
Moulay Hicham I was told the story about this old "mol Koutchi" i knew tru a freind & he told us once while he was taking us for a tour near Palmeraie in his Marakchi accent " wa chouf al gantra ...More
[] Re: Torrential rain
22 septembre 2008 à 10:57
Ataslim a moulay charif !!!! I'am more happy to have the infrastrures left by Almoravides than the ones our boys are building now ! do you remimnber a couple of years ago when the new built ...More
This is not new that Morocco spices on Moroccans abroad being Arabs or Berbers ,Fassis or Ouajdis ..... since the days of "ila alamame" even before...Ben Barka .... so if the cover is blown in ...More
Better late than never ! the Moroccan way ........the damage is done ...More
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1 janv. 1966
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