I get them too + Paypal ,from "banks" .....
Many other scams like sending you a cheque exceeding the amounts for the goods you selling on Ebay & asking you to give the diffrence to a courier...so
Ca reste tjs la regle des pots de vin & pour la France qui a formais les marocains dans "l'art" des pots de vin + depuis 56 le Maroc tourne au tour de la France dans tous ,Pay du centre !!
He made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort. He gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that comes from her
I'am glad that you experience in NY was good & may be the consulate in NY is efficente & this is a good news & we should be happy with that .
The point is still how could we have all