chelhman I'm 2nd generation born and raised in France. then I did spend a few years back home but I had to head back to Europe because I reached the limit of my ...More
chelhman Now that you give me some more info I can be precise, Let me see, I can say with confidence you never spent more then a moth per year if that in morocco and you are trying to decide for ...More
chelhman To be honest with you I don’t remember it was like lightning just a bleep in the media “NPR” for couple seconds and gone, I can’t remember the book or the author name. I know ...More
: Ilhem2 Ya lalla, When did I ever said I support or not support Islamic regime please read my post carefully before jumping on my throat. I just stated the fact on what brought the “3adl oual ...More
If I can remember, there were no heads of states or Islamic scholars amongst the ones who blew up hotels and cafes in Casablanca either. you didn't get it . what ...More
chelhman, who brought Al Adl wal i7ssane . 1)People got tired of the corrupted and abusive officials, and you don’t feel that unless you are with the majority of poor and unprivileged people, ...More
Almot Don’t worry about what the equation is all about. Who are theses Muslims that threatened the auteur?Any head of a state , or Islamic ...More
The exaltation of violence; a merciless war chief, plunderer, slaughterer of Jews and a polygamist, such is the man revealed through the Koran. In fact, the Catholic church is not ...More
tell me why we do not want that kind of regime in our countries but wish it on the Palestinians ? Do they deserve less than we do ? Excuse me! I didn't know you are representing all ...More
I've made my points using facts which so far you haven't been able to dispute. As for religion, I'm calling things as I see them, Hamas is a disaster, I gave you facts which again you haven't ...More
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1 avril 1962
taza (ouad amlil)
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23 juil. 2006 02:38
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8 sept. 2010 18:25