:clap:Extremely interresting! maybe the moroccan government ought to use this so it can change the effects of the "KARKOUBI" pills they used in the past to make the moroccans dumd when drinking tap ...More
[] Re: the dutch moroccan scandel
8 août 2006 à 19:12
Laure21, I didn't get the connection between feminism, women working, etc... FYI, it is easier to get a job in morocco as a woman than as a man! factories employ mainly women as labor because they ...More
cool, if my wife gets to know that she'll ask for the divorce... ...More
guess what? d uring the authopsies, there were no arab bodies on the planes, somehow the names of arabs (which some are still alive, by the way in other countries) sneak in the manifest of the plane, ...More
[] Re: How to defend Moroccan.
3 août 2006 à 18:50
Go to any nightclub in morocco, and see for yourself. Why is it that prostitution worries so much people! how about people not finding food to eat in morocco? how about being treated like sh#it by ...More
[] Re: How to defend Moroccan.
3 août 2006 à 18:50
Go to any nightclub in morocco, and see for yourself. Why is it that prostitution worries so much people! how about people not finding food to eat in morocco? how about being treated like sh#it by ...More
[] Re: Questioning the war from within
3 août 2006 à 18:40
It is indeed a tactic to make people forget that Iraq is at the brink of a civil war. Israel is destroying Gaza while all media focus on Lebanon. It's a good hawkish strategy. but for how long? soon ...More
[] Re: the dutch moroccan scandel
3 août 2006 à 18:26
Very interresting debate indeed. This matter has been going on for centuries, and it will never end. just like the drugs. I live out of morocco, and I know how harsh life can be. It's a matter of ...More
What do we expect from a smoke and mirrors politics. Bin Laden was a CIA agent before moving drastically to fight the americans. Personally, I think Bin Laden is just a creation of the Bush ...More
Employment equality in Morocco, never existed and it shall never exist... wake up people! why do you you think so many people risk their lives crossing to Europe? because they can't find a job at ...More
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3 août 2006 15:10
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8 sept. 2010 18:25