Generally we go to fast in critisizing others. A behaviour which is at the heart of the critics we are trying to adress.
Sorry, I am just talking to myself.
Take your time,
Chelhman, I'm chelh too and I really don't care about learning amazigh at all. Let's just say that I'm one of those berbers who don't give too much a damn about the history of my grand
Hey chelhman,
Wich multicultural place are you talking about?
Don't, please direct me to morocco or even worse to algeria!!!
The truth is that the amazigh identity, culture and language were
What is your problem with that mister krimo!?
I by far surely share much more things related with History, Politics, Religion or whatever with chelhman that with your kind!
Hey chelhman, i apologize for the wrongly directed identifiation.
Nonetheless, i invite you to focus on who are actually creating the mess in iraq, and what exactly are their objetives.
Surely not
I just took xanax, i feel better now!
Who told u about this american's B-plan you talked about, is not it again your blind anti-american driven
You do have some reasoning problems, you arabo-islamist propagandists!
Ask yourself why things are worsening eah day in iraq!
Is not that by the deeds of your arabist-baathist and quaida-linked
YOur story is really funny!!!
U, surely, among those who rejoice internally and in private rooms with your arabic and islamic friends upon terrorist events as those of 9/11 or others and who