thanks for your reply, atlasmagic; i actually contacted mr chami already, but he told me that i would have to apply for a card from morocco and wait for it to be issued there, which is just not
je confieme tout ce qui a ete dit: ma soeur la prenait pour traiter ses problemes de peau car elle avait de l'acne severe. ca s'est ameliore de facon spectaculaire, par contre au niveau poids: +15kgs
il n'a jamais ete prouve de facon incontestable que l'aspartame provoque le cancer, ni aucune autre maladie d'ailleurs. j'en prends depuis des annees en assez grande quantite tous les jours (dans mon
Hi Minniemouse,
i would need a moroccan bank card for when i go to morocco on holiday (about 3 times a year), as it is way more convenient than having to exchange currency or even queing up at the
thanks for you replies; i didn't know of them either, until the bmce bank manager in london mentionned them to me; he said that they were young , 2nd and 3rd generation professional women. i don't
j'ai deja pris atlas blue plusieurs fois et n'ai jamais eu a confirmer mon vol sur leur site; par contre, appelle les 24 a 48h avant car il n'est pas rare qu'ils modifient les horaires d'un vol ou
to transfer money to your bmce account you need to register with a limited company ( they're brokers who find you the best exchange rate, in exchange for no fee from you; i dont really understand how
hi guys,
i've actually taken the dreaded step and opened my account today. it's a small office just off park lane; there are only 2 guys working there, both seemed to be really nice and helpful.
c'est deja arrive a une amie, elle a ete remboursee parce que les alertes a la bombe sont considerees comme un cas de force majeur. contacte le service clients, ils te doivent le remboursement.bonne