racines ^^ i love this expression... some of my friends say "jeez" or "jeessssus"... ^^ and i think that it's very very funny...
and Passerby, whatever dude, i dont ask you to be perfect... but i
you are very negative, i see decline where you see evolution...
when i see the prices growing like in Europe, i think that the country is in bad shape.
i think that we shouldnt follow Europe
je trouve cela ridicule...
vous prenez un fusil... disons une Kalashnikov... c'est une sacrée piéce de métal... hyper résistante... elle peut résister au temps trés efficacement...
Passerby, you speak like an unfaithful person...
Coran isnt a book about poetry or something like that... it's a book of law, it's a book of life, it's a book of science... everything important in
Passerby? it's not a call for murder, but rather a call for justice... this man said false things about a very important figure in the world.
and he is giving ammo to a hate speech against the
dont quote the message just above yours dude...
and you are mistaking again... it's more a cultural/political barrier than anything else...
i'm not opposed to commerce... but independance is
moi en tout cas... je pige pas comment font les gens pour passer 2mois sans sexe...
et dés que tu passe à 1année, 2ans... 10ans... pfff... ah nan, c'est pas possible.
c'est un besoin
you have to take life with philosophy...
when i take a look at the news, all i see is a sick and crazy world...
but i'm not sad for that. i know that bad things must happen... it's part of
Passerby? what war you are talking about? ... there is a fight on many areas.
first, we arent powerful enough to take the fight by front. so we have to be smart rather than to try to use brute
no Chelhman, we are on the same subject.
the world is ruled by an elite, and this elite fears Islam because it's fighting some parts in the human nature. while they are using these parts of the