it's simple:
"if I knew the reason of my ignorance, I would be a wise man"
this is true. a very smart sentence. a general rule, working for everyone, and even for the guy who made it. and the
it's great, but the rape thing is a very complex story.
we have to keep in mind that the rapist will be wasted. so if we arent very very cautious, women could get a real power to kill men. all she
riffman, i just think that it's dangerous to have faith in men. we have god for that.
and this Krim is really arrogant. they see themselves as comprehensive and open minded people, but they
Krim, let me give you another one...
Allah said "ikrae" he didnt say "go ask Ghazali or Ibn Rushd"... you get knowledge alone, no one gives knowledge... you find it ALONE.
it's from me... what
tu sais, il y'a quelques jours, je parlais avec une amie à propos de la "violence"...
je m'étais retrouvé avec un hippie. déja, j'ai du mal a respecter ces lâches... mais quand il s'est mit a
impulsion? quesque ca veut dire ca : tu as top haute opinion des femmes ?
excuse moi mon pote, mais on appele cela etre "hétéro"... c'est normal et respectable.
donc, jusqu'a nouvel ordre, les
excusez moi, mais "passer un bon moment" ne veut pas forcément dire passer un "bon moment" dans le lit de quelqu'un...
allons les amis, ils se positionnent sur une frontiére, c'est clair, mais on
i just ask you to watch out...
Ibn Rushd is a human being, he can make mistakes... if you believe everything he says, then you are REALLY on a dangerous ground...
even if i can agree with him