[] Re: the new trend?
17 octobre 2006 à 20:11
Dear Chelham, thanks for your comment that needs some clarification. We, you and I, have the responsibility now to be more pragmatic and clear in our actions. We need the real Islam, ...More
[] Re: the new trend?
17 octobre 2006 à 17:20
"Morocco brother is an Islamic country from the ancient time " you make me laugh. What does mean 14 centries. It's not a long period of time. At the scale of history, 14 centries is just one ...More
[] Re: Etre un mari
16 octobre 2006 à 23:18
Salam, je suis serieux. je cherche a etre un mari. Une femme qui va m'apprendre etre un mari va etre ma femme. Je ...More
[] Re: Toronto la belle ville
16 octobre 2006 à 19:57
Thanks Sarah. Toronto is the best town in the world. I have only two months here I love Toronto. Note that I HAVE SEEN MORE THAN 2O CITIES IN NORTH AMERICA AND EUROPE. Toronto the ...More
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21 sept. 2006 00:37
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