"...les francais residents au maroc s'amusent a cramer des bagnoles ou a callaisser les flics... pas cool hein ? non serieux moi je suis marocain pas francais et comprend pas comment des gens a qui
A mon avis:
on aime (on est dependant de/ on est responsable à) la terre, on aime (on est dependant de/ on est responsable à) soi meme, on aime (on est dependant de/ on est responsable à) "la
Intolerant (cruel/ stupid) people seem in particular to be a dangerous cancer, A severe Disease which condemns to death no matter what!
The opportunist leaders (coming to the power by the
""unfortunately our sons dont have memories, they are not homesick, they have NO ispiration toward integrity in this or that country, they just think about an easy way of making money"
In a few
je suis t-a-f d accord!
pour une vie harmonieuse dans tout le monde, un monde d'égalité, de fraternité et de liberté.
Pour une vie (n´importe où) prospère et saine : Oui Unissons-nous
I wonder if there might be others thinking about the horrible things happening in France these days and I also suppose that this must be concerning our compartriotes among others, so my quest. is: is
it seems to be Time to start Thinking about what to do with "our" common problem: wanting (maybe) to move back without beeing able to do so in one or an other way!!
any good ideas?
(I have