Like I said l9bi7, ignorance is a choice. The historical documentation is out there, google it, the historians and authors are not even jews.
i am not arguing this point,
oui, un mosquee cest fait pour prier en premier lieu, mais si il veulent la rendre un lieu touritique (det je suis contre cette idee) il me parait normal de payer.
Pour ce qui est de la difference
je suis d'accord avec toi sur certains points... mais bon il y a certaines choses qui m'ont choqué... par exemple pour visiter la mosquée hassan 2 et ses
The difference, is that most of population believe in the other life, ( religion apart ) so life is transitive and not the fatality. And I truly not believe that it is a matter of social education,
for the sake of stickness to education and higher standard (by experience) choose British Council
for the intent to merge and have a taste of american culture more than anything else, u got the