oui en effet, cest ce quon disait tous, ce sont les cartes postales qui narrivent pas, mais on a faire avec les amendes, je crois k les autorites marocaines vont etre sure de faire suivre
non mnt, il disent carrement ntfahmo, mais il tobligent pas, donc i lte restituent le permit et la a toi de voir si tu veux laissr un "pourboire", chose k je nai pas faite puiskil sest avere k son
samad, je suis a rabat actuellement, et je suis pret a me deplacer pr vous dire a propos des assoc.
mais je veux kon sois sur et ne pas y aller sans but
no u cannot have alla the channels in one position, maybe yes with a rotor ;so i cannot garantee the french channels.
Pansat are so good that some others tried to clone them, these clones do not
salam sister, lblad is very beautiful , time was about right to change; the pansat i got it from a professional everything is at 400 bucks but has all the options
u can look for in the arab
Pansat 2500
thats what we use over there ; includes indian, pakistani, arab, iranian and some others, headezd to intelsat 7 south east
with a rotor you can get also some