alors si on suit le raisonement pkoi pas ne pas vendre a chacun 120 metres carre du maroc et le declarer un etat independant ! nimporte quoi !
Cest pour lintegrite territoriale, et la securite
voila on commence a savoir ! de la part de la famille la liste des cadeau commence
Un maillot de bain quicksilver
un MP3 avec batteries rechargeable
Radio Woofer avec capacite mp3
Un pc
ha ha ha lkrim :)
actually is 2 months and 10 days = 70 days
it can be both, i am going there and see, here i did not feel that good, no real opportunities and nobody to help .. got a job but
vonage is in a deep financial &%^@
they are trying to get an IPO, but in a matter of fact, they do not run any good promotions such as skyrocket, aol telephony or AT&T VOIP or other providers. so
Moi encore 58 jour a attendre exactement, je part le 15 juillet inch Allah !!!!!
Ta trop de la chance de partir dans 20 jour, et tu pars ou ? et tu revien quand
well far beyond imagination .. 40 days exactly : wa man 3achara 9awman 40 laylatane sara minhom ;) so I want to regain that missed connection
for the touajen don't worry it was my condition first
well far beyond imagination .. 40 days exactly : wa man 3achara 9awman 40 laylatane sara minhom ;) so I want to regain that missed connection
for the touajen don't worry it was my condition first