OMAR-PARIS a écrit:
> l9bi7 a écrit:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > C'est comparable a SWAT
Welcome a board !
You know ? with all my respect, You made my day, because now, with your presence, you gave a new spicy taste to this forum. an american here would only give more strenght to the
essaie Trillian messenger
cest un clien multi protocoles
PS: ca ne te permetra pas de dialoguer avec ton compte yahoo envers un compte msn par exemple
mais ds un seul prog tu utilisera la
usually stocks of less than a dollar usually climbs less than a cent a day so they are good anly as short term investment or else they are much easy to go toward zero !
try is where i
dear almotanabi,
lets explain it that way I bhad bought it just after hearing that google has bought an imaging by satellite corporation and also while they released they real time stock
in one month it jumped from 170s to 270s
very unprobable !
knowing that it just started at 80 bucks
do you think it has still the potiential to grow ?
I had bought some shares