Hello! here i am again perstering you with my questions :bye:
Right, my friend and her hubby have finally decided to go to Marrakech on the 18th of this month. They searched for cheap but "decent"
pour les courgettes, tu peux faire:
une tarte courgettes/tomates
Courgettes farcies (au thon/ poulet/ ricotta et pignons)
Cake aux legumes ou au courgettes seulement
des mini quiches
I miss so many things back home. Ramadan atmosphere when i used to come back from school and straight to the kitchen to see what delicious dishes my mother has prepared. The gathering around the
Well this is great news!!! of course i declare myself honourable citizen of this republic! Hicham, are you running as a president?? if this the case, can i run as your vice president please? looks
Hi Hicham!! i know sorry i am not good with discipline! I have been busy stocking sand inside bags to put them in my front door and my garden as we have been warned to expect floods tsunami style,
Hicham, you sound totally groggy you must have missed lftour too not just s7our!!!!!
shame about neffar and zouaka!! i bet you they stopped it after the tourists and foreigners complained about
merci bezaf hbiba pour ton aide:).je vais la faire daba.oui la vermicelle chinoise oui je connais biensur et malheureusement je ne suis plus au maroc.je suis au danemark et ce
Hicham, mokh dba3 and commuting in seconds!! you have killed me!! my colleagues can't understand how i could be starving and laughing out so much :ptdr: Ramadan definitely puts you in a hilarious
lol, you guys are determined to put people off Marrakech forever! not me though! sounds exactly like my type of adventure!
please tell me sidi charmharouch is just a
Thanks for the invitation Atlas you are very kind! i would if i didn't leave so far :)
but for now pics should be fine, sounds like you have exactly the type of living room i wanted to