Suddenly Si Miloud stopped just by the escalators, grab his Jalaba with both hands and stepped forward saying: ' Ya bismillah, yabismillah'. Never has seen such machine before. Albatoul was already
Assalam all
Thank you for your input. Much appreciated bizaf
However, if I may ask another question: Who elect our leaders (doesn't matter which country you can think off)?
assalm Shireen
That is a subject that is more than important, in fact it is a must discussion - not even here but all over the world. what happened to the most cherish thing that we had and lost?
More TAX then, I would expect!
I wonder when they will start charging us taking air to breath...Blair Listens, to whom? At least in Morocco, you know whom you are dealing
As you now, we live in cities that can be compared like 'pressure cooker' and it is nice to switch off and slow down as some of you pointed out. However, I feel when I stay in morocco more than two
You are not alone sbs and without no doubt, there is more and more people feeling the same urgency as you are. One can adapt him/herself again living back home in maghreb but it will be hard as it