Hi Almot; Take it easy man! While your blood is boiling, their bank accounts are getting fatter and their kids' future is guarranteed! Who's gonna look out for you if you have a heart attack just ...More
[] Re: Pathetic FoxNews
24 mars 2005 à 21:52
Sorry mouss27; Sure, I am moroccan! But I have solid ties in/ to the States! Now, Whuy is it ...More
[] Re: Pathetic FoxNews
24 mars 2005 à 21:44
Whay do you ask, may I ...More
Thank you all and Well said. This is a peaceful corner for me and I enjoy reading and responding to most messages. Keep it ...More
[] Re: Pathetic FoxNews
23 mars 2005 à 17:03
L.Armstrong is Juiced and sucking up to the French! The Olymics is better for Paris because les MRE will get jobs one way or another, besides, New york doesn't need that event!!! they have enough ...More
Dear Arbi77; I agree with you and I have this also to say. THose are choices and I'm sure in the states there are some organisations that will facilitate the process and welcome those who want to ...More
It doesn't matter when I visit because the only reason I go there is Family! I spend most of my time at home with my brother and We go out for stroll once the streets and bolevards are quiet! It's ...More
[] Re: Your Favorite Movie
23 mars 2005 à 16:41
I can't pick one particular favourite movie. but these days I've been watching THE LAST SAMURAI. last night was the 10th time i watched it and everytime there's something new that comes up! I am not ...More
l9bi7; I don't want to bore you with theories, but it's simple: The relationship btw Language and thinking is reflects the other, but in the process one ends Controlling the other; ...More
Edward Said Summed it up well : Huntington is an oportunist trying to make a name for himself and he got to the point where he got/ was confused by his own cheap attempts to alienate Islam as a ...More
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10 oct. 1980
San Fransisco
Registration date:
29 août 2004 22:28
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9 nov. 2014 06:56