Hi chelhman;
Thanks for the Ibn rushd Link.
Now a word of wisdom to the guys!
I almost ran out of ink talking about the then and now, nature and nurture and staying away from blind belief, but
Last year She was promoting her book and and her take on gender issues in the states and the muslim countries, and the war in Iraq...all this was on Bill Maher ( Real Time) show on HBO. She is well
Good to see Chelhman is back;
Yes, Jerry F-well is gone and he won't be missed in my world.
He made me laugh though everytime he was on the chattering box debating/ responding to questions. Bush
Shelaby and Masik (I don't know which one is which but no matter) you made me laugh once again;
Hahaha I am really laughing out loud... hope you're proud of yourself? calling me names and
I applaude your taking the time to constructively respond to all of us. It seems like we all picked on one particular point in your initial response; The hard working people vs tthe
France does really need reform and Sarkozy strikes me as the Little Napoleon tt crache...but he might be what the system needs to fix things! I don't like he's attitude going about presenting his
It is indeed pathetic that instead of rising to the challenge of this time, you're getting personal and going back to the cave-life way of thinking! You're narrowmindedness will leave
Mr Shelby,
I like your reasoning better; hence my response:
You talk and seem to dismiss Tolerance/ Toleration and historically it's been a failure! Most of those who were prosecuted for
Who are you to judge the good from the bad Muslims? Show respect so people can respect you! Lead by example! Unless all you need is ALFITNAH; since you advocate Violence and vulgarity!
How can you talk about God and worship and use such language? There's so much anger at a group of people who are as human as the rest of us. Talking about stoning somebody is so first century