Morocco is no more a country that is worth caring about, we moroccans are the baddest when it comes to patriotism, not because we were born like that but because everday we learn a lot more and we ...More
that's right Mr Gloom! let's start by ourselves then ...More
the whole moslem world is ablaze now, let's face it folks : Bush said it and he meant it :" it'll be a new cruisade war !" what do you want to hear more to believe ? whether you accept it or not, ...More
[] Re: i want study english?
26 juin 2007 à 02:16
Ila raki 3aycha fi Texas, salam 3andhom : Howdy ! well, as many boys here and girls said, you gotta watch as much TV programs as possible, try to read some books and talk to english-speaking people ...More
[] Re: Feeling down
26 juin 2007 à 02:06
i agree with Mr Gloom, that's one good advice mrs Minniemouse, and reading some verses of Quran is also good (i mean the concentrated reading)no need to read verses without thinking deeply about the ...More
Good news folks, we've got another family in Fas and they're toilets dwellers (someplace in Abi ALhassan) ! they've got it on their ID cards !! things started to heat ...More
Abdelghafoor : Allah Yaghfar lak ! Arabic is the language of tomorrow whether you like it or not, one of these days you or your sons would bite their lips real hard when they find themselves outrun ...More
Filthy,swampy, rotten, trashy, cruddy, crappy, ...the whole country is a big cesspool, and those MRE you're talking about are just a specimen of the sewage they came from, i wonder what makes us ...More
Good news folks, we've got another family in Fas and they're toilets dwellers (someplace in Abi ALhassan) ! they've got it on their ID cards !! things started to heat up dudes ! who's next? ...More
Sorry to tell you berber language is good for nothing buddy and that's a fact ! it's a language just like Egyptian hieroglyphs, and the amazighi culture with all the respect to all berbers whom my ...More
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