@cranberry, I dont know why you would feel the need to attack me, i would suggest you reed better and than start posting. I did not say Morocco is bad or bad governt by the goverment. I think the ...More
The issue of Armenia is not what they want you to believe it is. I am from the netherlands and i know how this people think, most of the people here hate islam. I can see this in their eyes and yes ...More
@ Shireen, I thought some people would see it like that, but that is not what I mean. First those who killed them selves in Casablanca cant be called muslims. What I mean has to do with Islam(which ...More
maybe you are right, but dont you think we should use the thing that binds us all to come closer to each other. I mean the distance between us is huge. I think we should have something like what UAE ...More
[] Re: Is the lottery system fair?
11 avril 2007 à 12:35
Perhaps its me, but I would like to know why you would like to send your best people abroad? Dont you think you need them for your one country? I would say send the ones that do not have a chance at ...More
[] Re: a shame for the moroccan nation
10 avril 2007 à 23:31
hi everyone, well I am a moroccan that lives in the Netherlands and to be honest I never heard of any jallal belly dancer but than again it is not something that I would search for to see. To say ...More
[] Re: I want speak english with sameone
10 avril 2007 à 23:24
hi, I would love to help you to, I do not study english, but my english is quite well as all my lectures at the university are in english. So just ask and i would help you. By the way I am ...More
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