[] Re: Buying a house
15 mai 2007 à 19:11
There are quite many real estate agencies now working in Morocco. Take for example this one: their website is very informative with a search engine. I must say though that prices ...More
[] Re: Sodomy in Saudi Arabia
15 mai 2007 à 06:53
Mr Shelby, Thanks to the modernity you are complaining about you was able to write your message here and interact with others all over the world. Thanks to the Americans you have a cell phone, a TV, ...More
[] Re: Sodomy in Saudi Arabia
14 mai 2007 à 18:43
Mr yani, it really feels good reading your post. I was starting to get worried to see that most ppl in this forum are homophobic in such a discusting manner. It looks like members of this forum are ...More
[] Re: Sodomy in Saudi Arabia
12 mai 2007 à 18:58
Well, That's it..I am not going to waste any more time reading ignorant xenophobic ppl .. So typical the person you are Mr Shelby! If you happen to leave in the west then your racisme against gays ...More
[] Re: Sodomy in Saudi Arabia
11 mai 2007 à 04:48
For your info both of you: I am a father, straight and love women. I am against homo-phobia cause I do beleive in human liberty. A gay did not choose to be gay. He went through some mental stages, ...More
[] Re: Visiting London: Any ideas?
11 mai 2007 à 00:18
It looks like if London is kind of deja vu for her. I suggest you take her to Oxford with a visit to the Benheim Palace. And then a one day trip to Bath which I personaly find very attractive with ...More
[] Re: Visiting London: Any ideas?
10 mai 2007 à 08:07
Take her to Madame Tissauds in Baker st!! She will be ...More
[] Re: Sodomy in Saudi Arabia
10 mai 2007 à 07:38
Mr Shelby, please resume your studies and return once you can make civilised comments. Or you might like to move to Tora Bora and live under the mollas... So discusting to see that some ppl are ...More
[] Re: free moroccan movies
8 mai 2007 à 17:44
Cranberry, I was just trying to be sarcastic. The scene of the Moroccan masterbating was shocking so did the Japenese girl showing her hairy thing...I watched the movie with some Canadian friends and ...More
[] Re: free moroccan movies
8 mai 2007 à 17:41
Cranberry, I was just trying to be sarcastic. The scene of the Moroccan masterbating was shocking so did the Japenese girl showing her hairy thing... I watched the movie with some Canadian friends ...More
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7 mai 2007 06:10
Last visit:
8 sept. 2010 18:25