[] Re: friends wanted
2 juin 2008 à 13:06
i just wanted to say that rifians in general go to belgium and holland, i meant nothing ...More
[] Re: friends wanted
1 juin 2008 à 23:46
Salam I am not concerned by your query but i know that rifians live the rif region, too smart :P just joking, and in the neighbourhood of la gare de midi in brussels or in the netherlands... but i ...More
Salut Viet et Merci La vie ici au Maroc devient de plus plus pourrie dans les villes primo, secondo lblad est le seul endroit ou on se sent vraiment à l'aise et on peut vraiment vivre à ...More
je me suis peut être mal exprimé, ce que je voulais dire par faire quelques choses pour moi même, c'est que je suis maintenant à la recherche d'emploi à cause d'une période de transition, je ...More
Salam les filles et tout le monde vos dernières réponses m'ont tué de rire.. J'ai pas l'habitude de faire de posts dans le forum français, mais quand j'ai vu le titre j'ai sauté.. Moi ...More
[] Re: Vocabulary
24 mai 2008 à 23:53
Well As no one want to start, let me do it the word i chose is "Serendipity", this word is most know by Web professionals. Generally, it means the fact of coming through sth while looking for ...More
[] Re: People are strange
23 mai 2008 à 16:56 i found this nice montage of "when you are strange" and looked for this old post, Minnie ...More
Salam Atlas i don't want to discourage you but for me lghiwane are finished with the death of Batma and after Souiri left, now they are trying to survive as everybody tries to do but they doing ...More
Salam I understand why i was always on the side of Indians in western movies (tP) on the opposite of what Adds thinks i think this is plausible because when Colombus "discovered" America, he ...More
the chapter is made of 11 pages, it is worth printing and you can read it at ...More
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