Le_Marocain, D'abord je crois que tu as bien fais de poster ta lettre dans ce forum. Si vous n'avez pas reçu de réponse, ce serait pour deux simples raisons: 1. Le Roi s'en fiche ...More
[] Re: strong maroccan
3 juillet 2007 à 17:15
Congrats Fouad! Great pictures in the web site. I'd suggest you do some translations from the Dutch language so your fellow Moroccans will get to know you more. An intro in English or Arabic would be ...More
Totally agree with you Shelby. Sooner or later, the king and his Co will realise that these filthy non Moroccan tourists shouldn't be considered as Saints and that preference and special attention ...More
Well Shelby, I do my best, and I'm probably not doing enough; but I'm sincere in my prayers and I do always pray that some day, Morocco will be governed by some true Muslims. I want to be able to ...More
Morocco is a real mess, a true risky place. No security at all. You can expect any bad thing to happen to you at anytime, and when it does, you got to face the hungry wolves (police and Co) to ...More
[] Re: Feeling down
25 juin 2007 à 20:41
What sort of things cheers me up? I revert to Allah. He is the one who created the hearts and the souls. Thus, the only one able to cheers you up. Try making Wudoo and a couple of rakaats, you will ...More
Filthy,swampy, rotten, trashy, cruddy, crappy, ...the whole country is a big cesspool, and those MRE you're talking about are just a specimen of the sewage they came from, i wonder what ...More
Islam champions talks and dialogue. Hellman Rushdie did not talk. He insulted. Different ethnics all over the planet have always defended their faiths in any way possible. Christians have waged wars ...More
LeMask, are you serious that the regime isn't so bad? That's probably if we compare Morocco to some banana regimes only. This regime is way too big, much bigger and global and powerful than you may ...More
FYI passerby, i never meant "men" to be the sex related. I said "men" in relation to people. I never said you're not a real men either, so don't get too excited. Freedom is not the right to offend ...More
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