[] Re: Funny Old World
14 juillet 2007 à 20:13
For some it will be more fun to watch he ...More
[] Re: Funny Old World
14 juillet 2007 à 02:56
It was just a matter of time.... Long jumper hit by javelin at Rome Golden League French long-jumper Salim Sdiri was rushed to hospital after being speared by a javelin thrown by Finland's ...More
[] Re: Funny Old World
13 juillet 2007 à 22:36
I guess some of us are born to be role models to societies and examplary citizens and i'm afraid i'm one of them :) That's nice Minni, i had a couple of questions but ...More
[] Re: What movie(s) have you recently seen
13 juillet 2007 à 22:34
I took my little boy tyo watch Shrek, it was a good laugh. The other one I saw on DVD was Blood Diamond! superb!!!! Yeah both moviea are good, Blood Diamond was superb I don't ...More
[] Re: What movie(s) have you recently seen
13 juillet 2007 à 17:24
See we had a some common thing we both didn't like after all :clap:! I didn't like the last Pirate movie either. The story wasn't good, the acting of that girl who could kick all the hard core ...More
[] Re: Why do we hate them?
13 juillet 2007 à 17:16
Hi, Kuchia, are you not mixing between competitor or rival and an enemy?…may be the USA needs a rival …but an enemy I’m not sure!…then no one looks for an enemy ...More
Yes I can name a lot. The health care they don't give a damn what it costs people should have health care. The idea of equlity (spelled right?)). Wonderful country. Great food. The language ...More
[] Re: Funny Old World
13 juillet 2007 à 16:54
he he Well I can't deside whatever it's a good or bad thing the fact that you are naive;) or is it both hmm ...More
Lol no I really don't and to be honest most French people don't give a damn either ;) besides that new Macho president they elected where he in his speech to the nation regrets that I have choosen ...More
[] Re: What movie(s) have you recently seen
13 juillet 2007 à 16:48
Hi Kutchia, "A touch of spice" is about a Greek community living in Istanbul….as you know Greek and Turks people don’t like much each other…of religion.. historical and ...More
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