[] Re: ur favorite moroccan song
5 mai 2008 à 22:28
I also like Ahmad Soultan I has his latest album, he is very talented. I like moroccan music. There is so much diferent kind of music styles it's diffecult to call something "typically" moroccan. ...More
Relax, you should have ignored him in the first place. I really don't know why you guys kept feeding the troll. Next time a morron decides to join the club just ignore him/her and report their ...More
and do his thing which lasts no more than 5 minutes You seem to know your business very well. You must be one of the most faithful customers ...More
The Labour had their triumph and glory over a decade ago; Yeah and you can thank Gordon Brown's "miracle economy" for thaat "glory", but people should ask them self what caused ...More
Funny how your brain interprets my words... Same reply goes to your brain ;) True, they can influence policy but it's always for economical ...More
I really don't see how jeans and caps symbolize a religion or any political movement. Could you be more specific ? You say it's american but what exact political message do you get ...More
Jeans and caps don't symbolize a militant position Yes it does! Its American and if any nation is militant its the US thus Jeans and Caps symbolize a militant position. I am ...More
Kutchia, Read it again, we're Moroccans, the hijab is not moroccan, we have other garments that do not send a political message if the person wishes to cover her head. Don't just ...More
first she takes that ugly hijab off her head So it is ok for you to tell others what they should wear? You and your kind are hypocrites and blinded by your hate for ...More
This thread looks very familiar ...More
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