[] Re: Sound Sleep
28 décembre 2008 à 19:15
Easy said than done lose weight6:! I am a berber was brought up to not loose anything on me.:ptdr: My mama always said if you die fat at least the warms will have a good party:) I am waiting just ...More
[] Re: Morocco & Netherlands
25 décembre 2008 à 14:54
NO no no one is going to lose their second nationality, the propsual was to stop paying social rights to the 99.9% of imigrants in Holland claiming the sweet soft jelly from the govenement.Moroocans ...More
I have to congratulate you at least for trying. I become very distressed and sad when I hear these stories; guys have spent ages studying hard and are unable to find work the only solution for them ...More
[] Re: bush's iraqi farewell
17 décembre 2008 à 21:01
He was offered the job but he has no warranty he will live to be bailed out after that humiliation of the American Hero. All the Arab leaders need to through their shoes or blagh3i in support of this ...More
[] Re: morocco corruption on video
17 décembre 2008 à 20:34
That is very shocking video thank you for sharing it with us. You can’t keep quiet about it. The country is improving and needs people to guide the authority to what to improve (themselves first). ...More
[] Re: bush's iraqi farewell
15 décembre 2008 à 15:15
……But Bush is a Hero; he liberated the country from there leader.:clap: The act of throwing shoes for the Iraqi is like giving the finger to someone in other countries. (tu)# I wonder if that ...More
[] Re: Moroccan Londoners
15 décembre 2008 à 11:46
:ptdr: alla, koon a3rafna kon jabna annace ta3 3aeeltna hna. :welcome: kata3raf at3ooum akh7ouya takh2dar tadkhol man irlanda :chef: illa aandak awraq talian adkh7ol ka sa2eeh wa ahrag ...More
[] Re: Any man who hits a woman is a big H'mar
10 décembre 2008 à 17:36
How am I defending them when clearly I said I am against violence?6:! As a Muslim I really love, respect and adore all women. If you love someone you will hate seen that person in pain suffering with ...More
I am against violence all together man hitting woman or a child as well as woman hitting man or a child. Don’t be surprise to find some very aggressive women too. In general the person who resume ...More
[] Re: Aid Moubarak Said
9 décembre 2008 à 11:09
with good health inchallah to all of ...More
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