It is hard work having to explain every sentence mad cow disease starts like that. On the other hand the accumulations of Beta Amyloid and plaques formation in the brain have serious affect on ...More
[] Re: respect du maroc
3 décembre 2007 à 16:53
Justement je viens de faire un tour au Sud et un autre au Nord J’ai vus la plus part des grandes et petites villes aussi. It is the wrong investment; it’s only to attract tourist. That is ...More
[] Re: je t'aime mais il faut le faire seul
3 décembre 2007 à 16:35
No man it has my opinion I am glad you like Nike; last time I saw moule Alwani wear Nike trainers. Adidas wear is a class on its own. One has to have a style and feel Adidas. Just stick to your Nike ...More
Nananana.... can you get Moroccan currency abroad NO, why? If you can’t it for a reason, even that you can still take your flipping money a bit at a time. If you want a second home why not have it ...More
[] Re: Creationism on the offensive
3 décembre 2007 à 11:19
Chelh Am going to butt in here inway, Religion in the lay’s man eye is irrational but in the eyes of a scientific person is logical and clear which part of Islam is not scientifi. The concept of ...More
[] Re: je t'aime mais il faut le faire seul
2 décembre 2007 à 20:52
it is the way how you see things in life that let you apriciate them \\\\\///// Adidas under wear for best ...More
Surely before one i going to buy in Morocco, Angola, Afghanistan or Iraq; one should do a bit of research on the law of the land. When you are in Rome you do as Roman do; if you don’t like that law ...More
[] Re: Creationism on the offensive
2 décembre 2007 à 17:34
Islam is the only religion that is scientific; Ben Ladden is no a prophet but he can see into the cristal ball CIA has given him. \\\/// Adidas in Sport wear ...More
you must be joling NHS is the best in the entire world its FREE hahahahahaha people come from Fronch to be treated in UK \\\/// Adidas comfort ...More
[] Re: je t'aime mais il faut le faire seul
2 décembre 2007 à 15:38
D’accord, on est un peu gâter au Maroc je ne connais pas ca se fait dans les pays voisins. The only thing I know is that in Morocco we don’t have to move our butts if someone else are doing that ...More
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