De quel racisme tu parle mon ami ? Entre nous le régionalisme ? Les couleurs ? les religions ? Les races ? Etc... Dans une société ou la plus part est ignorant 95% tout est possible. La
Le Maroc ou la France?; chez moi ou chez qulqu'un d'autre?
Le Maroc est un beau paye sans doute mais:ptdr: seulement pour les vacances y vivre c’est autre chose vous n’avez rien a perdre si
Yah we can see that you do shout form the capital letters you are using.
What did you feed him? Are you sure he is from Casa?
The last casawi he never shouted at his wife he never did anything to
wa paddy ata malek sad3tina?
Are you feeling lonely not to worry mohamed and bachir are coming where you are next week they are going to open a take away selling
dushman nacre wartam nekaridya
amazzing you stepped into uk and you registered on a Moroccan forum on your first dayvery strange your story are you sure you are Pakistani or would you like to be